Author Archives: Neelansh Gupta

Trademark registration for Partnership Firm

Trademark is a unique sign or symbol such as word, numerals, picture, design, logo, shape, etc. used by business organizations to differentiate their…
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COVID Impact: MCA allows Board of Directors to approve Board’s Report, Financial Statements etc. through Video Conferencing

Given the situation of ‘new normal’ ushered in by the pandemic, the functioning of the corporates has drastically changed. The adherence to the…
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Importance of Financial Planning in a Business

Table of Content What is financial planning? What are the Objectives of financial planning? Why financial planning is important in a business? Process…
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MCA adds 22 more Forms in List of Forms providing Waiver of Additional Fee

On May 03, 2021, Ministry of Corporate Affairs published a General Circular No. 06/2021 relaxing the time and additional fees to be payable by any Company…
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